Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 8, 2011

‘Tiger’ footprints cause panic in central commune

People in a commune in the central Quang Nam Province claim that footprints seen around a local river belong to a tiger though forest rangers based in the area say they cannot confirm this in the absence of evidence.
The footprints could belong to a tiger Photo

But residents in Tra Leng Commune, South Tra My District, mostly from the Ca Dong and M’Nong ethnic groups, swear the animal is a female tiger. Some fishermen even claim to have seen the beast and switched to fishing at night to avoid its attacks. Some of the villagers have gone hunting in the forest for the animal, locals said. In 2008 a human corpse buried in a forest was unearthed by a tiger which ate everything except the head.
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The cow - Germans foiled by farmyard fugitive Yvonne the cow

German media have been fascinated by the tale of Yvonne, who ran away from a farm near the Bavarian town of Muehldorf in May and was happily living off the land for months until she was put on a "most wanted list" for bolting in front of a police car.

Muehldorf authorities ruled that Yvonne was a "security risk" after her close encounter with the squad car and hunters have been given permission to gun her down.

Yvonne has so far managed to evade everyone and the canny cow's escapades have become a hit on German TV.

Animal rights activists have tried to save Yvonne's life by bringing in her best cow-friend Waltraud as well as her own calf Waldi to lure her from her forest hideout. But Yvonne only takes a look from a distance before running away again.

The activists from the Gut Aiderbichl farm will now try to lure Yvonne with Ernst the breeding bull in the hopes of getting hold of her before the hunters do.

"We'll keep trying until we're successful," a Gut Aiderbichl spokeswoman said.
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Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 8, 2011

The seal - Central fisherman claims money to release seal

Central fisherman claims money to release seal
The seal is 90cm long and around 20kg in weight. This is the first time a seal caught in the sea of Quang Binh because seals live in temperate waters.

The fisherman, named Nguyen Van Dien in Quang Dong commune, Quang Trach district, has released the seal into his fishpond. The seal is fed with 2-3kg of fresh fish every day.

Local authorities have advised Dien to release it into the sea, but he has refused saying he not only wants a compensation of VND20 million (US$1,000) but also coverage by the local TV station.

Local authorities continue persuading the man to release the animal and reported the case to the Oceanography Institute in Nha Trang.
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Beaty Natural

 Kitten's Flight


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Vietnam reserve brings hope for rare animal, says WWF

Authorities in the central Quang Nam province agreed last week to set up the reserve dedicated to the secretive sao la, a relative of antelopes and cattle and one of the world's rarest animals, which was only discovered in 1992.
"This decision has brought new hope for the survival of the sao la, an animal that is on the brink of extinction in the world," said Vu Ngoc Tram of the WWF Greater Mekong Program.
The sao la is hunted illegally for its horns using snares and dogs and the population could be as low as a few dozen, according to the WWF, which said none had survived in captivity.
Screech Monkey
The elusive creature was seen for the first time in a decade in August but died a few days after it was captured by villagers in Laos, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


The animal was photographed before its death, the first confirmed record since 1999 when pictures of wild sao la were taken by automatic cameras in Laos, the Swiss-based network of scientists and environmental organizations said.
Tiger Mix
WWF Vietnam said the new reserve, in the Annamite mountains along the border with Laos, would create an ideal habitat for the sao la and the conservation group hopes for a reverse in the species' decline.
Sea Cougarcroc
The group has been working with Vietnamese authorities to promote the establishment of the reserve and other protected areas "in response to the alarming status of the species in the wild", their statement said.
 Horned OwlGuana
Hybrid bird
 Treeus Huggalopolis 
 Snamel Fly

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Beaty Natural

Sweden landscape
Natural Beauty Switzerland
Landscape VietNam

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Jungle Trekking In Vietnam

The call of the wild is irresistible when you are in Vietnam. Much of the terrain in Vietnam is forested and jungle trekking in Vietnam is the best way to get acquainted with the ecological jewels that lie hidden in these wooded areas.
About Jungle Trekking in Vietnam
Jungle trekking in Vietnam is one of the prime attractions for those looking for adventure holidays in Vietnam. Apart from the sheer thrill factor of exploring the many uncharted territories and marveling at the wondrous beauty herein, these Vietnam treks will also familiarize you with the indigenous flora and fauna of the country. It is no wonder that jungle trekking is one of the most popular of the options for adventure and recreation in Vietnam.

When you are trekking in Vietnam, trudge up to the Sapa highlands in the northern reaches of the country. In Vietnam, jungle trekking options are some of the most finest here. Your treks will take you through the primeval rain forests of this area, the pine and bamboo forests, past gurgling streams of crystal clear waters, plunging waterfalls and through quaint villages. Nature is at her finest here, bestowing all her good tidings on you.

The various national parks of Vietnam offer innumerable opportunities for a wild Vietnam adventure. Jungle trekking in Vietnam is actually incomplete without hikes in the Bach Ma and the Cuc Phuong national parks. The latter is the oldest national park in Vietnam, home to a dazzling variety of wild animals and some rare species of hardwoods.

The forest greens take on myriad hues at the Bach Ma National Park. This is an area of lofty mountains, the base of which are covered with lush tropical rain forests, while there are sub-tropical vegetation 900 meters above.

There are some awesome Vietnam jungle trekking trails, quite off the beaten route too, at the Pleiku highland area of central Vietnam. Solitude and sheer natural beauty reign supreme here and the exhilarating treks will also provide you opportunities aplenty to take a sneak peek into the fascinating lifestyle, customs and traditions of the ethnic tribes dwelling here. Modern civilization is yet to encroach in these parts, and this is evident not only from the virginal beauty of the forests, but also from the lives of the residents here.

Let the jungle fever grip you well and truly when in Vietnam. In Dalat you will get plenty of opportunities to go jungle trekking in Vietnam. The pine forests in the Pinhatt Mountain region, interspersed with vines and wide-leaved trees are the ideal places to experience the unspoiled wooded beauty of Vietnam.

Go jungle trekking in Vietnam. With an open heart and who knows, the trees might just whisper some of their secrets to you
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Wildlife in Vietnam

Wildlife in Vietnam is wonderful and the base of attraction for all. Vietnam is the easternmost country situated on the Indochina Peninsula of Southeast Asia. Vietnam is surrounded by Laos to the northwest, China to the north, and Cambodia to the southwest. At the east coast of the country, Vietnam lays in the South China Sea with a population of more than 87 million. Since, Vietnam has a hot and humid climate, common mammals are available in this country. So, make Wildlife in Vietnam a part of your Vietnam Tours.

As you take a trip to Wildlife in Vietnam, you can see that this country is home to species like bears, elephants, tigers and leopards. You can also see some smaller animals such as squirrels, monkeys and otters. Wildlife in Vietnam would be incomplete without mentioning the reptiles. Each kind of reptiles like snakes, crocodiles and lizards are available at the country of Vietnam.

These various kinds of species usually dwell in the forest. Forests of Vietnam are generally dense and are home to the mammal species. Vietnam boasts of extensive range of evergreens including rain forests. Though, deforestation usually takes place, but it is not as often as in other countries of Southeast Asia.

Wildlife in Vietnam includes various kinds of flora and fauna. Other than that you can see the indigenous animals of Vietnam. Agile Gibbon, Scylla paramamosain, Asian Elephant, Banteng, Triceratolepidophis, Bengal monitor, Blood python and Deinagkistrodon are the most renowned species of Vietnam. You can also see False gharial, Giant Muntjac and Green sea turtle widely in the Vietnam country. Hatinh Langur, Hawksbill turtle, Hog Badger, Indian Muntjac, Vietnamese Javan Rhinoceros, Indochinese Tiger, Javan Rhinoceros and Kouprey are also worth mentioning while discussing about the Wildlife in Vietnam.

Some other native species are Lar Gibbon, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Leopard Cat, Lesser False Vampire Bat, Manouria emys, Marbled Cat, Mauremys annamensis, Ovophis monticola, Pelochelys cantorii, Pot-bellied pig, Truong Son Muntjac, Protobothrops jerdonii, Protobothrops mucrosquamatus, Water monitor, Rafetus swinhoei, Red-shanked Douc, Reticulated Python, Rice-field rat and Saltwater Crocodile.

The bird species are also the part of Wildlife in Vietnam. The avifauna of Vietnam features 848 species. 13 among then are common and 3 of them are introduced by humans. Other than the indigenous avian species, you can also see some migratory birds in this country, which come to Vietnam in every season.
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The Beauty Of The Animal World

Get the world records on your favorite creatures in the animal kingdom (and yes, we even have plants, too). If you love world records, then you'll find all kinds of fascinating records here on Extreme Science in the Animal Kingdom section. From the biggest snakes, to the biggest living creature - you'll get all the pictures, facts and fun science about what makes each creature the most extreme animal of its kind
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Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 8, 2011

End Of Day

Legendary Bulgarian prophetess Vanga predicted most horrible catastrophes
Her most shocking prediction was made in 1980. The blind old woman said: “At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it.”
The prediction did not make any sense back then. Twenty years on, it made a horrifying sense. A Russian nuclear submarine perished in an accident in August of 2000. The sub was named after the city of Kursk , which by no means could have been covered with water.
Does the gift of foreseeing really exist?
Gone with a tornado
Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva was born on January 31, 1911 . She died on August 11, 1996 . She lived in the city of Petrich , Bulgaria . She was buried in a churchyard of the Saint Petca Bulgarian Church in the Rupite region.
Vanga lost her sight when she was 12. She was swept away by a mighty tornado. Later she was found alive, covered with dirt and stones, with sand in her eyes. She became blind as a result.
Vanga started making predictions when she was 16. She helped her father find a sheep stolen from the flock. She provided a detailed description of a yard where the animal was being hidden by the thieves. Her powers of foreseeing took shape after she turned 30.
Many a statesman visited Vanga. Adolf Hitler called on her one day. He left her house looking rather upset.
The predictions
“Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.” (1989)
Happened as predicted. The World Trade Center Towers in New York collapsed following terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 . The WTC Towers were dubbed “Twins” or “Brothers.” The terrorists drove passenger planes –“the steel birds”- into the towers. “The bush” obviously relates to the surname of the current U.S. president.
“Numerous catastrophes and disasters will shake the world. The mentality of the people will change. They will be divided by their faith…” (date unknown)
Happened as predicted. Bad times have arrived. Something is happening to the mentality of the people. Out time is rife with catastrophes and disasters e.g. last year’s tsunami, which clamed thousands of lives. We might as well cite numerous terrorist attacks and ethnic riots
“We are witnessing the events of paramount significance. Two big leaders shook hands.
(manifest reference to Gorbachev and Reagan). But we have to wait for a long time before the Eighth One will come forth and sign a final peace agreement on Earth.” (January 1988)
The predictions are beginning to come true with regard to the Eighth One at the very least.
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Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 8, 2011

Not laughing - Khong Cuoi Chet Lien

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